Tgep | coffee from Burundi | café de Burundi



Ensures that negotiations are completed with satisfied customers


Makes sure funds are transferred within reasonable delay

Makes sure that invoices are paid regularly and promptly

These conditions contribute to create a climate of trust which enables us to complete many transactions with efficiency. One of these secrets is to deal with a reputable Bank.
And Organization which cares that delays cost money, has global expertise and provide human resources capable of exchanging with confidence despite language barriers and time differences. In TGEP Inc., we work with Royal Bank of Canada (RBC).



Against damage of all kinds, accidents, theft, riots or vandalism. These kinds of incidents happen, it’s called Murphy’s Law *. In such circumstances a reputable establishment is always of great asset. At TGEP Inc. we work with experts to protect our cargo where ever they are located.

Useful links

ICO (International Coffee Organization)

Journal of Commerce website

Les données sur le secteur du café du pays proviennent des bases de données statistiques de l’Organisation et portent sur 2011. En outre les sources ci-après ont également été consultées : FMI, Banque mondiale.


Murphy’s Law

“Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong” ; This statement has allowed NASA to enable them to conquer the Moon and explore Mars. It makes a rule of providing at all times, an alternative develop Working methods that have solution when & if an operation is faulty.

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TGEP Inc is a Canadian Company specialised in the Selection and Importation of Arabica Coffees.

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