TGEP Inc is a Canadian Company specialised in the Selection and Importation of Arabica Coffees. These coffee beans grown in Burundi, a small country of East Africa land locked between Kenya and Tanzania on the east and south, Lake Tanganyika on the West and Rwanda at the north end. This is the country where tea, Palm oil, oranges grow all year round. The hills of Burundi will provide a unique coffee. Some say that Burundi is the best kept secret on that continent others that it has the looks and the quality of Switzerland.
Growth in tropical climates, cultivated on hillsides of 1.700 to 2.500 meters, the coffee cherries have been picked by hand for generations, in April of each year, after the rainy season. At that time of year, the cherries are mature, soaked with water and sun. These hills cannot offer anything other than a product of very high quality, the first condition of a crop grown with care, in a tropical climate.